Minimum Order and Delivery

Delivery Fees:
  • Brooklyn: $300 minimum order, $70 standard delivery
  • Manhattan and Bronx: $500 minimum order, $170 standard delivery
  • Staten Island: $300 minimum order, $170 standard delivery
  • Queens: $300 minimum order, $70 standard delivery
  • Westchester: $750 minimum order, $270 standard delivery
  • Five Towns – Long Island: $300 minimum order, $90 standard delivery
  • Long Island (Nassau): $500 minimum order, $170 standard delivery
Standard Delivery Policy: Standard delivery is available Monday to Friday between 8 AM and 6 PM with direct loading access required. Orders must be placed at least 5 days in advance. Delivery is scheduled based on our availability within these times and excludes holidays. Please note that specific time windows, after-hours, same-day deliveries, or deliveries without direct loading access do not fall under standard delivery and will incur additional costs. Additionally, items such as tents, staging, flooring, and other items that require more labor may not be eligible for standard delivery and may also incur additional costs.
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If you are taking measurements for a structure such as a building or fence, please provide the height of the structure here. If height does not apply to the wash, for instance for a gutter wash, leave this field empty. Please note if you enter a value here after taking measurements, you will need to take measurements again.